Ancient tree in central China

An ancient peony tree with 256 blossoms is blooming in central China's Luoyang. China's "city of peonies" has attracted tourists from across the country.

The "peony king" is over 120 years old and measures 2.7 meters tall and 3.7 meters wide. It once had a record of nearly 300 flowers blossoming, according to staff from the city's Peony Park.

"The shape of the branches looks natural but compelling, and the flowers are gorgeous," said a tourist, Wang, who came from east China's Jiangxi Province to see the city's flowers.

Once the imperial capital of 13 dynasties, Luoyang is home to the country's best peony trees. The flower was preferred by royal families for its luxuriant blossoms, which symbolize prosperity and wealth.

The city holds an annual festival to celebrate the blooms. This year's event kicked off earlier in April.
