In a qualitative move to keep abreast of the latest international learning technologies, the University of Bahrain (UoB) has inaugurated the first virtual learning lab in Bahrain in a ceremony held at Zain Centre for eLearning. The celebration was patronized by UoB President Dr. Ibrahim Janahi and attended by the Bank of Bahrain and Kuwait (BBK) Chief Executive AbdulKarim Bujiri who provided support and equipment to the lab, including computers and a three-dimension virtual learning helmet with two gloves connected to it. Dr. Janahi expressed appreciation and gratitude for BBK's continuous support to the university, pointing out that the lab is outfitted with the cutting-edge technologies in virtual learning. He said well-reputed international universities use such devices for smart research and virtual learning. Two films were shown in the celebration: One reviewed the services provided by Zain Centre for eLearning while the other spotlighted experiences in using the virtual learning helmet and gloves. The UoB President and BBK Chief Executive experimented the two gloves and toured BBK lab at the centre.