Youths around the world now have an opportunity to win a full university scholarship provided by a UAE-based falafel fast food chain by merely proving they need it. The founders at Just Falafel (JF) recently launched an online social media competition giving youths a chance to win a full university scholarship. To enter the contest, they must upload a two-minute video on JF\'s Facebook page, explaining why they deserve it. \"There are a lot of talented people out there in the world who will not get access to the opportunities they deserve,\" said Mohammad Bitar, co-founder of JF. \"This competition is open to anyone above 15, anywhere in the world, who gets accepted into any university.\" He added the scholarship is not strictly limited to traditional tertiary education but any educational opportunity. The winner from among the short-listed top 100 will be chosen by public votes. Article continues below Giving back Just Falafel was founded in 2007 on Hamdan Street in Abu Dhabi and now has franchises in nine countries. The company generated a profit of Dh7 million last year, which is why the founders thought it time to give back. \"After last year\'s profit we thought it was time to give back because the brand is only growing because of its fans,\" said Bitar. The company has set aside Dh1.4 million to educate at least one youth, which will be revised as profits increase. The deadline for entries is February 16 and the winner is expected to be announced at the end of March. For more information or to enter log onto: