A Michigan teacher\'s aide says she was suspended for refusing to allow school administrators access to her Facebook account to examine a picture she posted. Kimberly Hester, an aide at Frank Squires Elementary School in Cassopolis, Mich., found herself in trouble with the Lewis Cass Intermediate School District after posting a picture in April 2011 of a co-worker\'s pants around her ankles and a pair of shoes as a joke, WSBT-TV, South Bend, Ind., reported Wednesday.. After a parent complained to the school, district Superintendent Robert Colby told Hester he wanted to see her Facebook account. \"He asked me three times if he could view my Facebook and I repeatedly said I was not OK with that,\" Hester told WSBT. Hester said she then received a letter from the school distract informing her that \"... in the absence of you voluntarily granting Lewis Cass ISD administration access to you[r] Facebook page, we will assume the worst and act accordingly.\" Paid administrative leave was followed by a suspension for Hester, who is fighting the school district. \"I stand by it,\" Hester told WSBT. \"I did nothing wrong. And I would not, still to this day, let them in my Facebook. And I don\'t think it\'s OK for an employer to ask you.\" Arbitratiion is scheduled for next month, the TV station said.