The international education company AcrossWorld Education has partnered with Delhi-based Go-Tech to transform the learning process by enabling K-12 schools, colleges and universities access to open educational resources with the touchscreen tablet PC called ATab. Despite the cheap price, the 7” android touchscreen tablet features a 2GB inbuilt memory and an external 3G USB Dongle. With the device, schools will be able to access AcrossWorld Education’s education technology platform EducationBridgeTM for three years for free. The platform allows academic institutions, teachers and students to use a variety of content elements including Open Content, Open Educational Resources, Legacy Content and proprietary content sources to connect, collaborate, and innovate. Dr. Stephan Thieringer, President and CEO of AcrossWorld, said: “Open Source is the future of education. With the availability of ATab, Indian schools will be able to discover and leverage world-class educational content at their fingertips at the K-12 level itself as well as at the college and University level. “It is very timely and appropriate that India schools and colleges alike seriously explore advanced technology solutions that provide instant access to the world’s best educational resources , especially now within an affordable budget.” Gaurav Khanna, CEO, Go Tech said: “While inclusive growth must ensure that access to technology is within the reach of the masses, yet providing just the hardware is not enough. It must also provide access to quality educational content. “By bundling free access to AcrossWorld’s global premium educational content, ATab is not just a book shelf, but a whole library full of the world’s best Open Source knowledge for schools and higher educational institutes. When I was studying Electrical Engineering at Virginia Tech, the motto of our University was, Ut Prosim, meaning, That I May Serve. I am pleased to have an opportunity to serve my country with this low-cost innovation that will impart knowledge to the masses.” The EducationBridge platform also allows teachers to be able to create customized content and share it with students across the ATab tablets. Schools and colleges will be able to allow students to bookmark, rate, recommend, and comment on open educational content. These aspects create a more interactive and democratic content.