UAE releases list of accredited foreign online universities

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research yesterday released a list of 105 accredited foreign online universities recommended for UAE students. Of those universities, 46 are in the United Kingdom, 34 in the United States, 20 in Australia, and five in New Zealand. Regulations governing the accreditation of distance and electronic learning define online education as the use of modern technologies to enable students to access study contents and interact with lecturers, according to Saif Rashid Al Mazrouei, the Assistant Under Secretary for Institutional and Support Services at the Ministry. He said a number of conditions must be met for students to study at those universities. Most notably, an applicant must ensure that the distance education programme consists of interactive e-learning, and that the educational institution should be recognised by the Ministry and the government of the country that the institution is based in. The programme must also be an accredited course or equivalent in the country of study, and its length of study must not be less than the minimum duration of study for a degree of equivalent education taught by traditional means. A full list of the accredited online universities can be found here.a Source: Education News