Social media users find someone to blame for #BerlinAttack

On Facebook, some users defended Merkel and her policies. Others doubted the authenticity of Daesh’s claims regarding the attack and considered whether the group is only trying to bolster its brand of terror.
Ty Trupp: “Everyone screamed at [Merkel] to open her borders to assist in the refugee issue along with many other countries. She did, and now it’s her fault...”

Lillian Armstrong: “Chancellor Merkel is a true statesperson. Taking in people who fear for their lives, who leave it all behind and welcoming them is no sin.”

Katharina Bergmann: “What’s wrong with some people? How can you say blood is on Merkel’s hands? Did she kill those people? No. Do we welcome people in need? Yes. Can you control everything? No. You should offer your condolence instead of raging about Merkel and Europe’s politics.”

Cathy Larkin: “Not all Muslims are violent. None I know. Where I live, we have millions of diverse people without issues. I hope this person is caught!”

Steven Mahoney: “[Daesh] takes credit for anything that hurts the West in an effort to bolster their wavering movement. If an asteroid ploughed into the Earth they’d claim responsibility. I doubt there’s any direct ties to ISIS. Probably a citizen or migrant that became radicalized.”

Robert Metzger: “I imagine ISIS [Daesh] will claim responsibility for every and any terrorist attack. Gives them cred.”

Tweeps who used the top trending hashtag #BerlinAttack, pointed fingers at who’s to blame for the tragedy, some citing Germany’s refugee and immigration policies as dangerous to the country’s national security. 

@LawlessPirate: “I’m so tired of seeing people die in the name of ‘diversity’ #BerlinAttack”

@humblethepoet: “When bad stuff happens in the world, reading uninformed opinions vomited all over social media will only make it feel worse #BerlinAttack”

@hammalhaidar: “Innocent people died in #BerlinAttack. Very sad news. Real culprits are states which are sponsoring religious extremism. They must be punished.”

@drjezphillips: “So many blaming religion for the #BerlinAttack. And then saying they’ll pray for the victims. And they can’t see any irony in that.”
@BenHatch: “The very reason IS [Daesh] drove that truck into the crowd was to whip up anti-Muslim feeling. Don’t give them the satisfaction. #Berlin Attack”
@folkmemory: “The Berlin Christmas market attack is more blood on Merkel’s hands. #BerlinAttack”

@RachelMorganMFL: “When will this madness end? #BerlinAttack”

@bugtizzz: “The country with the biggest stand on refugees and immigrants. Feel so sorry for the people. #BerlinAttack”

source : gulfnews