Commercial Bank International’s (CBI) Al Ajial (new generation) programme has been developed by the Bank to provide trainees with fundamental principles of banking, and aims to give UAE nationals working knowledge and practices in the banking sector. Twenty five Emirati graduates were selected for the programme and will be rotated through various departments for six months, during which time they will receive continuous on-the-job training supplemented by formal training in the Training Centre. Each graduate is assigned to a mentor to support and prepare them for various positions across the bank. Speaking on this occasion Kris Babicci, Chief Executive Officer, CBI emphasised that “Training helps optimise human potential in achieving both individual and organisational goals. It is important to give employees adequate tools to work better for their companies and also for their own sense of achievement. In the long run training has a very positive impact on retention, increasing staff morale and enhancing overall job satisfaction, as well as improving productivity and performance.”“Al Ajial is one of our most successful approaches to developing local talent and illustrates our commitment to the Emiritisation drive. Our trainees are exposed to the best practices the industry has to offer and they can look forward to excellent growth and development prospects in the bank. CBI has a strong presence at the career fairs across the UAE and is focused on becoming the Employer of Choice. From / Gulf Today