AL chief, social solidarity min. discuss preperations for 'suicide , social development' conference
Secretary-General Ahmed Abul Gheit

The Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Abul Gheit received on Thursday Social Solidarity Minister Ghada Waly to discuss the goals of Council of Arab Social Affairs Ministers’ meeting.

During the meeting, Waly, who is also the current head of the council’s executive bureau, reviewed the most important topics to be discussed in the conference which will be held in Sharm el Sheikh on February 27-28.

The conference titled “Terrorism and Social Development: Reasons and Solutions” is held under the auspicious of President Abdel Fattah El Sisi and will be attended by Arab ministers of social affairs, youth and sports.

Meanwhile, Abul Gheit asserted the AL support to the conference and it activities.

Source: MENA