Croatia, Albania, Montenegro launch Adriatic Trilateral initiative
launch Adriatic

The Adriatic Trilateral, an initiative launched by Croatia, Albania and Montenegro, was officially inaugurated in Split, the coast city of Croatia, on Friday.

The foreign ministers, Davor Ivo Stier of Croatia, Ditmir Bushati of Albania and Srdjan Darmanovic of Montenegro signed a joint declaration aimed at enhancing cooperation between the three countries in security and economic field.

Stier said at a news conference that the next Adriatic Trilateral summit at the level of heads of state or government would be held in Albania.

Croatia would support the EU integration of Albania and Montenegro,the declaration said, adding Croatia and Albania, both are members of NATO, would help Montenegro's admission to the alliance.

The three countries realized the importance of increased connectivity and cooperation in the field of economy, including in infrastructure, transport, energy, trans-border and trans-national environmental protection, as well as tourism sections, according to the declaration. Enditem

Source: Xinhua