Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri

Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri announced on Wednesday that he has put his resignation on hold at the request of President Michel Aoun. He made his declaration from the Baabda Presidential Palace in Lebanon after he held talks with the president and participated in the country’s Independence Day parade.

Hariri had tendered his resignation on November 4 over Iran backed “Hezbollah’s” meddling in regional affairs and its hegemony of Lebanese decision-making. “My decision to suspend my resignation came at Aoun’s behest to carry out more consultations,” he told reporters. “We hope that this move would pave the way for tackling contentious issues,” he added.

“I look forward to the achievement of real partnership with all political forces in Lebanon so that the country’s interests are placed above all else,” he declared. He underlined Lebanon’s policy of disassociation from regional conflicts. Hariri had announced his surprise resignation from Riyadh and Aoun had refused to accept it until he held talks with the PM on the issue in Beirut.

Attention will now be turned to Hariri’s next move and the stances that he pledged to announce once he returned to Beirut. On Tuesday, the Lebanese official had held talks with Egyptian President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi. He reiterated his firm stance of keeping Lebanon away from regional conflicts and foreign axis. Aoun had received cables from several Arab and world leaders on the occasion of Independence Day.

US President Donald Trump had cabled the president to emphasize that Lebanon is a strong partner for the US in its battle against violent terrorism and extremism. He voiced his support for Lebanon, saying that the US will continue to support Lebanese efforts to protect their country’s stability, independence and sovereignty.

More than two weeks after his unexpected resignation as prime minister of Lebanon, Saad Hariri has finally returned to Beirut, where he's likely to face tough questions over why he quit.

On Wednesday he attended an Independence Day military parade in Beirut, alongside President Michel Aoun. After laying wreaths at the monument for the war dead, there was a 21-gun salute.

The two, along with other Lebanese officials, are expected to attend a reception at the Presidential Palace after the parade.

His arrival Tuesday night was met by members of the country's security forces and shown live on Lebanese television. Hariri traveled to his residence in the capital after visiting the grave of his slain father, former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.