Yemeni Army

Security sources in Yemen revealed that the governmental troops managed to kill over 22 elements of Houthi militants and other forces loyal to Yemen’s former President Ali Abdullah Saleh. They managed to kill the elements of insurgents in the Yemeni city of Taiz.
According to sources, the Yemeni military managed to achieve progress in a number of military fronts, including Taiz and Naham, as the Arab Coalition launched air raids against the strongholds of the insurgents in these areas and other areas in Sana’a and Sadaa.
Yemeni government welcomed the efforts by UN and peace-brokering countries in elevating the struggles of Yemenis, but at the same time it regrets that the UN coordinator isn’t taking any measures against insurgents who steal and resell medications and treatments of Cholera.
Yemeni Minister of Local Administration and Chairman of the Higher Committee for Relief Abdul-Raqib Fateh stated that the legitimate government has welcomed all initiatives, including ones suggested during Switzerland and Kuwait talks. In spite of that, the armed militias are the primary issue here, stated the minister.
Fateh said that cholera spreads widely in areas under armed militias’ control, while it is being controlled in government-ruled areas which is a positive indication. The minister told Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper that militias are involved in stealing and reselling cholera treatments, and sadly the UN coordinator remains silent and doesn’t seem to be bothered by that or issue statements against the inhumane actions.
Fateh said he was relieved with the US ambassador in Yemen Mathew Tueller’s statements. Earlier, Tueller told Asharq Al-Awsat that the US welcomed the legitimate Yemeni government’s positive response to the recent UN plan for Hodeidah.
“We are happy that US has an effective role in ending this crisis, but we are aware that Houthi and Saleh lie as much as they breathe. We hope the US intervention and initiative will be welcomed and accepted,” said the minister. He pointed out that the legitimacy accepted UN’s suggestions for Hodeidah and the ball is in Houthi’s court now.
Speaking about the recent offer by President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi suggested to head of Red Cross in Aden that all detainees and captives be released, Fateh said that the suggestion was “received negatively” by the armed militias.
The militias wouldn’t allow Red Cross director to visit detention centers in their areas, whereas the government allowed him to visit Taiz and meet the detainees freely. Speaking about relief aid, the minister lauded the role of all countries helping Yemen, especially Gulf countries.
He explained that humanitarian aid is distributed to all Yemeni territories, adding that King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSRELIEF) had distributed 150,000 food basket in Hodeidah and 150,000 others distributed through the civil society. King Salman Relief Center is also working with GCC Aid Coordination Office which convenes during the first week of every month to coordinate and plan aid.