Syrian government troops

Syrian governmental troops bombarded areas in Aleppo's northern country side, as they also raided other areas in the city's western country side leading to the killing of a woman, her father and two of her sons.

The govenmental troops managed to besiege Al Bab city, the major ISIS stronghold, in cooperation with Hezbollah militias and Russian air forces. They also achieved notable advance in Tel Oweisha area, hundreds of meters away from the road linking between Al Bab and Aleppo's eastern country side.

The Syrian progress came 24 hours after the failure of Turkish troops to control Bazagha town which ISIS managed to control. The extremist militants executed a number of bombings using car bombs to suspend the advance of Turkish soldiers, leavin a number ofdeaths and injuries.

According to Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, ISIS was fearing of the siege of Al Bab by the Syrian governmental troops, so the extremist group was considering the idea of withdrawal from the city last month.