Future bloc on Thursday categorically deprecated the visits by some ministers in the Lebanese government to


Future bloc on Thursday categorically deprecated the visits by some ministers in the Lebanese government to Syria, saying such visits occurred in their "personal capacity" rather than official.

"Ministers who visited or shall visit Syria do so in their personal capacity, rather than enjoying official authorization," the bloc said on Thursday in a statement issued in the wake of its regular meeting at the Central House, chaired by bloc head, former Prime Minister, Fouad Siniora.

The bloc took up the overall situation in the country.

Future considered ministers' visits to Syria and their meeting with officials of the Syrian regime actually provokes the majority of the Lebanese and constitutes a threat to the regularity of the work of Lebanese constitutional institutions.

On the other hand, the bloc considered that the law passed by the Parliament concerning the repeal of Article 522 of the Lebanese Penal Code constituted an important achievement for the Lebanese legislation and for the protection of Lebanese women, thus preventing the culprit from escaping impunity.

Moreover, the bloc hailed the recent visit by Prime Minister Saad Hariri to the State of Kuwait and his proclaimed positions, indicating that this visit comes to emphasize adherence to Lebanon's Arab sense of belonging against those who are attempting to sabotage Lebanon's relations with the Arab world

Source: NNA