125 security personnel join Taliban in Afghan Badakhshan province
Taliban in Afghan Badakhshan province

A total of 125 security personnel gave up fighting and joined Taliban militants after three days of fighting in Tirgaran volley of Wardoj district, Badakhshan province with Faizabad as its capital, district governor Dawlat Mohammad Khawar said Sunday.

"After three days of fierce fighting between the government forces and Taliban rebels for the control of Tirgaran volley, 125 police personnel gave up fighting and joined the Taliban Saturday night," Khawar told Xinhua.

Following the surrender of more than 120 police personnel, Taliban took control of the strategically important Tirgaran volley, the governor said.

Khawar said some 20 Taliban fighters and 10 government security personnel were killed during the fight.

Meantime, Zabihullah Mujahid who claims to speak for the Taliban outfit in contact with media confirmed Sunday the fall of Tirgaran, saying the Taliban militants are in control of military base with all its facilities in Tirgaran area.