The Lebanese army completed all preparations for its battle with ISIS in the Arsal area

The Lebanese army completed all preparations for its battle with ISIS in the Arsal area, Ras al-Baalbek and the town of Al-Qaa on the Lebanese-Syrian border, according to al Hadath.

This comes after the army strengthened its presence by deploying about three thousand troops in the northeast of the country.

On the other hand, the sources said that planes belonging to the Syrian regime bombed deep in the Lebanese-Syrian borders, while informed sources said that rocket and artillery shelling of the Lebanese army on the positions of ISIS in Jarod al-Qaa have resumed.

This comes in response to ISIS launching seven Grad missiles in the vicinity of the town of Al-Qaa inside Lebanon from its stronghold on the border with Syria, without causing any casualties, according to security sources.

source: Alarabiya