The First Conference of the Chiefs Justice and Heads of the Supreme Courts in the African Countries

The First Conference of the Chiefs Justice and Heads of the Supreme Courts in the African Countries started Sunday in Khartoum with participation of delegations of 40 countries, the Chinese Deputy Chief Justice, the patron of the Chiefs Justice in the world and the coordinator of the international Chief Justice Conference.
The opening sitting of the conference was attended by the President of the Republic, a number of ministers, the Speaker of the National Legislature and number of judges, advocates, diplomats, national personalities and university lecturers.
In its first sitting Sunday, the conference discussed the axis of the African experiment in solving disputes by alternative means which includes four working papers, which were presented by the Chiefs Justice of Libya, Zambia, Algeria and the Deputy Chief Justice.
The conference will discuss on Monday the axis of the judicial system and the mechanisms for its development.
On Tuesday, the conference will discuss the axis of cross-border crimes.
In his address at the inaugural sitting the President of the Republic has welcomes the conferees and Sudan guests, affirming Sudan adherence to the principles of the African unity.
He said that the conference affirms the commitment to the principles of justice in Africa, describing the forum as unique one and an honor to Sudan.
The President of the Republic has appreciated performance of the judicial organs in Sudan.
He called for establishment of the African criminal court.
Meanwhile, the Chief Justice called in his address at the opening sitting for establishment of an African court to prevent the incoming interventions and to convey a message to the world that Africa is able to carry out its judicial and justice duties without need for foreign intervention.
The opening sitting was also addressed by the representatives of India and China who affirmed the importance of the conference and appreciated the Sudanese judicial system.
The conference will hold morning and evening sittings to deliberate on the set axes and to achieve recommendations and an outcome conducive to enhancement of the judicial systems mechanisms in Africa.

Source: SUNA