Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban voiced his full support for Montenegro's European Union membership, in talks with Montenegrin Prime Minister Dusko Markovic here on Friday.

In a statement to the media, Orban blamed EU internal problems for slowing down Montenegro's progress towards membership, saying the country "... should essentially be in the anteroom or a single step away from full membership."

The Hungarian government considers it fair, principled and desirable for the earliest possible admission, he added.

On his part, Markovic voiced his thanks to Hungary for supporting its EU and NATO bids. He told the media that he expected the remaining four NATO members to soon ratify its admission, which would make it the 29th NATO member.

Regarding EU membership, he called it paramount that his country's accession process not be slowed down.

As far as Montenegro's foreign policy is concerned, Markovic said, its primary objective was peaceful policies towards its neighbors, tighter West Balkan cooperation and dialogue.

Three accords were signed earlier in the day in the presence of the two leaders.

One agreement called for direct flights between Budapest and Podgorica, the capital cities of the two countries, and one supported the cooperation between the interior ministries of the two sides.

The other one was a protocol in which Montenegro agreed to readmit persons who had crossed into Hungary illegally through Montenegro. This latter was a part of an accord between the European Community and Montenegro.

Source: Xinhua