Indonesian police

The anti-terror squad of the Indonesian national police has arrested four alleged militant recruiters in West Java province, a senior police officer said on Thursday.

National Police spokesman Senior Commissioner Martinus Sitompul said that Kodar, 26, Asep Ahmad Bentara, 43, Ade Arif of Suryana, 24, and Ade Rosidi, 24, have been captured after the explosion of bombs in a rental house located in Bandung city, the capital of the province on Saturday, before they were used for planned terrorist attacks in three places in the city.

Sitompul said that the latest arrest was made against Adri Rosidi before dawn Thursday.

"Ade Rosisi was captured this (Thursday) morning," he said at the police headquarters.

The four people are fellows of the mastermind of the plot, Agus Wiguna, and knew his plan to target a church, a restaurant and a cafe, said the official.

Wiguna owned the bombs and has been arrested by police hours after the explosion.

"All of them are grouped in one newly-set up terrorist cell. They have jointly undertaken efforts to radicalize people around them," Sitompul said.

The cell was the Jemaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD) Bandung, which has not been well structured, according to spokesman of provincial police of West Java Senior Commissioner Yusri Yunus.

Indonesian security authorities have stepped up effort to counter radicalization as terrorist cells have been detected in almost every province in the archipelagic nation.

Earlier this week, the government rolled out a measure to curb radical groups in the country.

source: xinhua