Uttar Pradesh Police new DGP, Sulkhan Singh, left, with former UP Police DGP, Javeed Ahmed, right, a

The new police chief of Uttar Pradesh, Sulkhan Singh, on Saturday vowed to crush hooliganism and warned that no one will be allowed to take law into their hands in the name of cow protection or tackling eve-teasing.

"Those indulging in goondagardi (hooliganism) and criminal activities will be dealt with without mercy. They cannot escape and even VIPs will not be spared," the 1980-batch IPS officer, who took over as the DGP of the state said on Saturday. "If someone does vigilantism, police will take strict action...we ask people to give us information if they come across such things. We will also ensure that we neither ask for their names nor make them public," he said. 

"We will not allow anyone to indulge in such behaviour as it leads to hatred in society and it will not be allowed," Singh said in response to a question. To a query on anti-Romeo squads, Singh said it was not a special drive and that would continue on a regular basis as policing.

"The policemen deployed for it will be briefed directly by the SPs...they will work undercover to monitor objectionable behaviour in public places. Questioning and interrogation is not part of this...the staff will be clearly briefed about what action they have to take," he said.

Singh, the senior-most IPS officer in the state, said there will be no compromise in ensuring security of the common man. He took over from Javeed Ahmed who was shunted to a less important post of DG PAC.

"Uniform action will be taken against any wrong doer. There will be no bias, whosoever the culprit is or whatever political connection the person flaunts," he said.

Asked about some persons associated with the ruling party allegedly taking law into their hands, he said, "The CM has clearly instructed that the police work in an unbiased manner and act against all, be it from ruling party or anyone else, and I want to assure that all those indulging in criminal activities will be dealt with as per the law."

When asked about reported inputs from the MP Police about suspected terrorists plotting to strike in the state, Singh said though he had no insider information about it as of now, the state's intelligence agencies, including the Special Task Force and the Anti-Terrorism Squad, were "always active". "They have their network and will work on the inputs...I want to assure that there will be no laxity on this front," he said.

Spelling out his priorities as the Director General Police, he said aggrieved people would be encouraged to file FIRs and police would get full freedom to work without fear or pressure from any quarter. Singh, considered an upright officer, said, "My effort will be to ensure unbiased policing and keeping the morale of the force high." Replying to another question about allegations of rampant corruption in the police machinery, he said, "Fair inquiry will be held in all cases."

"My top priority would be to make policing humane and courteous," the DGP said. Singh said policing should be impartial and objective to ensure relief to the common man. "Police should avoid high-handedness as every citizen belongs to the state. No one is an outsider," he said.

Asked about the sagging morale of the police force in the wake of over 100 cases of assault and killing of men in khaki, Singh said, "Definitely, if there is any demoralisation in the force, I would address it on top priority." He said policing is a risky job and the personnel overcome it with training and tact. As the DGP, he said, his another priority was the safety and security of girls and women. In reply to a question, he said though he has come to know about IS sympathisers in the state through media, he would also look into this challenge on priority.


Source: Timesofoman