South Korea on Wednesday condemned North Korea for its continued missile provocations,

South Korea on Wednesday condemned North Korea for its continued missile provocations, warning it would lead to toughened sanctions and eventually accelerate the "self-destruction" of the regime.
"Our government strongly condemns this (latest missile test) in that it is an outright challenge to a series of UN Security Council resolutions and an act that poses a threat to peace and security not just on the Korean Peninsula but also to the whole world," the South Korean Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
"The North Korean regime should squarely see that these reckless provocations of chemical weapon would strengthen the push for sanctions and punitive measures and eventually accelerate its path toward self-destruction," the statement added.
The ministry said that the government will keep working to increase global coordination through the UNSC against the North's repeated provocations and vowed to do its best to protect the lives of its people and national security based on the strong alliance with the US and unwavering military readiness, the Korea Herald reported.
Meanwhile, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe condemned North Korea's latest ballistic missile launch and signaled Tokyo will remain on alert for further provocative acts.
"(The launch) is a grave provocative action from a security standpoint, clearly violates UN Security Council resolutions and simply cannot be tolerated," Abe told reporters, adding there is "a sufficient possibility" of further provocation.
"We will work closely with the United States, South Korea and others, and take every possible action to protect the lives and property of the public in any situation," Abe said.
The missile launch prompted the Japanese government to convene a meeting of the National Security Council. Earlier, the government's top spokesman told an emergency press conference Japan has lodged a protest with North Korea over the launch.
North Korea conducted two nuclear tests and test-launched more than 20 ballistic missiles last year, despite UN Security Council resolutions that ban the reclusive state from testing ballistic missile technology. It is believed to be preparing for a sixth nuclear test or an intercontinental ballistic missile test.

Source: QNA