U.N. Security Council

South Korea has called on the U.N. Security Council to pay attention to North Korea's recent attempts to jam GPS signals in the South, Yonhap news agency quoted a South Korean diplomatic source as saying on Tuesday.

In a letter addressed to China, the council's rotating president, Seoul said North Korea has been "generating electronic jamming signals that dangerously affect" the GPS in South Korea.

"The GPS jamming by the DPRK is an act of provocation that poses a threat to the security of the Republic of Korea and undermines the safety of civil transportation," Seoul's chief envoy to the U.N., Oh Joon, wrote in the letter dated April 5, asking for the document to be circulated within the council.

DPRK is the acronym of North Korea's official name: the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. 

The letter also noted that the jamming is a "clear violation" of the Armistice Agreement that ended the 1950-53 Korean War, as well as relevant international agreements, including the International Telecommunication Union Constitution.

Under article 45 of the constitution, there is a ban on "harmful interference" of radio services and communications of other member states. 
Source : MENA