the grand mosque in Mecca

Saudi police dismissed on Tuesday any terror motive linked to a suspect who poured gasoline in the grand mosque in Mecca, confirming it was a suicide attempt instead.

The mosque's special forces spokesperson, Major Samih Al Silmi, said in a statement through Saudi Press Agency that police forces stopped and arrested the Saudi man suffering from psychological problems before succeeding in his suicide attempt via self-immolation near the Kaaba, the holiest place for Muslims.

Police additionally stated that the man poured flammable liquid on his clothes, while news reports highlighted on Tuesday that he tried to burn the Kaaba.

The spokesperson said that necessary legal steps will be taken against the individual.

The police's swift response prevented a serious mishap, and although the incident took place at 23:00 local time (2000 GMT) on Monday, the mosque attracts huge numbers of worshipers all day long, and panic among the worshippers could have led to a dangerous stampede.

Before the police announcement, news reports declared that it was another foiled attack against worshipper places typically used by supporters of the Islamic State militant group.

source: Xinhua