50 Houthi militias killed by army forces in Yemen
Yemeni army

As many as 50 members of the Houthi and Saleh militias were killed in fights in Taiz, Hajjah and al Bayda.

Twenty-four of the Houthi and Saleh militias were killed in a shelling of the army and Arab coalition forces in Medi city, according to an army media center.

The artillery destroyed three ammunition caches of the militias in the same place, the center said.

The center also said that 17 militia members were killed and scores injured in fighting in Taiz.

Nine other militias were killed by the Yemeni army during clahses in Bayda and Zi Naem areas. 

Also, the forces took four Houthi snipers as captives.

Source: MENA