Access to energy at core of achieving SDGs, says OFID Director-General
Access to energy at core of achieving SDGs, says OFID Director-General

This expo’s theme, ‘Future Energy,’ reflects one of the most important of today’s global priorities: ensuring everyone has access to energy," Director-General of the OPEC Fund for International Development, OFID, Suleiman J Al-Herbish, said on Wednesday at the Expo 2017 in Astana, Kazakhstan.

"This is at the very core of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 sustainable development goals, SDGs," he added.

Al-Herbish, speaking at the event’s official ‘OFID Day,’ said that the expo represented "a new and valuable contribution to the urgent global dialogue on energy."

He expressed the conviction that such events serve to foster participation and the exchange of ideas, and most importantly, to come up with solutions. "Solutions that OFID and its partners, stand ready to fund," he added.

Inviting delegates to OFID’s expo exhibition, where the organisation is hosting an expert panel session entitled ‘Future of Energy for All,’ he said, "Access to energy is essential for economic growth, employment, education, poverty reduction, and health and safety. It has been the central theme of our work since 2007, when OFID received a special mandate from the Riyadh Declaration of the 3rd OPEC Summit. Since then, we have intensified our energy poverty alleviation initiatives."

The expo, which is addressing global energy-related challenges, has attracted countries from around the globe including OFID member states Algeria, Gabon, Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and the UAE. Prominent international organisations, including the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, OPEC, Sustainable Energy for All, World Petroleum Council, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, United Nations Industrial Development Organisation, and United Nations Development Programme, are also in attendance.

The OFID’s participation includes facilitating an information stand for the entire duration of the Expo between 10th June and 10th September.

In conclusion, Al-Herbish commended the government of Kazakhstan for its commitment and continued co-operation with OPEC to stabilise the oil market.