Field Marshal, Omer Al-Basher

President of the Republic, Field Marshal, Omer Al-Basher has renewed Sudan solid stance towards the Palestinian Question, expressing hope that Amman Summit will send strong and decisive message stressing the necessity for ending the suffering of the Palestinian people by realization of their aspirations for an independent state with its capital Al-Quds .
Al-Basher addressing the current Arab Summit, in Amman, Jordan, has affirmed Sudan's full support to the legitimacy in Yemen, led by President, Abdo Rabo Mansour as well as the unlimited support to the Government of National Unity in Libya Headed by Faiz Al-Saraj and the necessity for reaching a comprehensive negotiated peace and stability in Libya, away from foreign interventions and military solutions .
On situations in Syria, Al-Basher has affirmed the resolutions issued by the previous Arab summits, renewing Sudan solid stance for ending the suffering of the Syrian people by reaching peaceful solution to stop the bloodshed and maintain peace and stability in Syria .
'We are watching closely the situations in Iraq, hoping that peace and security will prevail, a matter that, will realize the aspirations of the people of Iraq' President Al-Basher stressed .
The president affirmed the cooperation with the international community to ward off the terrorism phenomenon .

Source: SUNA