Passengers walk towards the check-in counters at Erbil International Airport

All foreign flights to and from the Iraqi Kurdish regional capital Erbil will be suspended from Friday evening on Baghdad's orders, its

airport director said, following a controversial independence referendum.

“All international flights without exception to and from Erbil will stop from 6:00 pm (1500 GMT) on Friday following a decision by the Iraqi cabinet and Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi,” Talar Faiq Salih told AFP on Thursday.

Abadi ordered the halt to flights serving airports in Iraqi Kurdistan in retaliation for the independence referendum held Monday in defiance of Baghdad which delivered a resounding 92.73 “yes” vote.

Regional carriers, including Turkish Airlines, EgyptAir and Lebanon’s Middle East Airlines had already announced that they would be suspending their flights serving Iraqi Kurdistan at Baghdad’s request.

Also read: Iraqi Kurd leader Barzani: Majority of Kurdistan voted ‘yes’ for independence

Regretting the decision

The Erbil airport director said she deeply regretted the decision, which she said would hamper the campaign against ISIS in Iraq and neighboring Syria, as well as the delivery of aid to those displaced by it.

“We have consulates, international staff, international companies, so it's going to affect everyone. It's not a right decision,” Salih said. “We have a big international community here, so this is not only against Kurdish people.

“We also have a big number of refugees using this airport and we used to be a bridge between Syria and the UN to send humanitarian aid to those places. “And we are hosting (US-led) coalition forces here, so this airport is meant to be for everything.”

source: Alarabiya