Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS

The number of Egyptians living inside the country reached 92 million at 8 a.m. on Thursday, the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) announced.

In a statement, the CAPMAS said Cairo came first as the most densely-populated governorate with 9.58 million people (10%), followed by Giza which accommodates 7.92 (8.6%) million people. 

According to the CAPMAS, South Sinai was the least inhabited governorate with a population of 174,000 (0.2%), followed by New Valley governorate with a population of 235,000 (0.3%).

The agency said that the current population growth rate - 2.4% - resembles one of the most important and dangerous challenges that the Egyptian society faces, adding that the rate is five times more than that of developed countries and double the rate of developing countries.

Source: MENA