Iraqi forces fire preliminary shells from the area of al-Sakrah, as they prepare a military operation to push out ISIS from the nearby village of Anah in the northwestern Anbar province

Iraq’s joint operations forces announced its arrival near Al-Qaim after destroying ISIS defense forces and groupings around the judiciary vicinity.

This comes in lieu of an attack that was carried out within 48 hours in the location, as well as the return of Rawah’s besieged judiciary, which leaves government forces with the task of sweeping the Anbar desert from terrorist cells.

Government forces confirmed a fast move towards ISIS west of the country, while the terrorist organization continues to resist using explosives after they have exhausted their supply of suicide bombers, and explosive cars.

The heads of the joint operation stated that only a few kilometers separate their forces from the Al-Qaim borders, ISIS’s last stronghold location. This is due to efficient organizational deployment points around the country that impeded the terrorist organization’s progress.

Security sources have stated that government forces may raise the Iraqi flag in Al-Qaim within the next two days, and at the same time attack the besieged Rawah district.

Following Rawah district, the Anbar desert, which is said to house some factions of ISIS who have fled the confrontations, will be next.

The sources added that special units succeeded in evacuating Al-Qaim residents amid news of the terrorist organization surrounding about 4,000 civilians in the location. Iraqi forces are working on getting these civilians out using secure pathways.

source: Alarabiya