The Judiciary: The inmates in Sudanese prisons enjoy all rights
Judge Mahjoub Al Fakki

The Sudanese Judiciary on Monday reaffirmed that all inmates in the country do enjoy their full rights as stipulated by the laws, regulation and the humanitarian laws as well as the international agreements ratified by the Sudan
Judge Mahjoub Al Fakki Deputy Chief Justice, and head of the Prisons Department at the Sudanese Judiciary, pointed out before the Workshop on protection of those deprived of their freedoms that the Sudanese experience in treating the inmates showed a guaranteed of follow up and of supervision of the inmates to make sure they enjoy their full rights.
He said this was done through regular visits and inspects to the various prisons in the country. He said in application of the rules and regulations, the human aspect is given priority over the strict application of the regulations.
He told the workshop organized by the Legal Committee of the International laws in collaboration with the International Committee of the Red Cross, at the head office of the Judiciary and Legal Sciences institute in Khartoum that the sentences issued by the courts are subjected to the supervision of the Supreme Court. 
He said amendments were made even within the military laws and that international human law articles were equally introduced. 
He said inmate are now provided with regular conjugal visit and privacy is accorded to the inmate and spouse and that at the same time, the inmates are provided w8ith medical treatment including outside the Sudan in case of serious diseases.
He referred to the fact that some prison building have become obsolete and that the government is now in the process of constructing new five prison that would be up to par with Al Huda prison and in which the inmates enjoy full and secure rights.

Source: SUNA