UAE works quietly and effectively in Yemen

The UAE has never shirked its responsibilities on the international stage, has always committed itself to helping others, and has a long tradition of speaking and acting against those who spread unrest, political discord, sedition and humanitarian grief.

"In Yemen at present, the UAE is living up to this commitment in many ways, often in the background, going about its work and missions without fanfare and limelight, effectively getting things done on the ground," said Gulf News in an editorial on Wednesday.

Indeed, such is the case at present where UAE military advisers and trainers are working side-by-side with members of Yemen’s armed forces, assisted by members of the United States military in special operations roles.

"It’s activity that largely goes unnoticed, but helps in systematically eradicating the scourge of Al Qaida," it added.

"Ever since Al Houthi rebels, assisted by their ideological and logistical masters in Tehran, overthrew the legitimate government of Yemen and deposed President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi two years ago, a brittle Yemen has been thrown into an abyss of misery, humanitarian strife and violence."

The editorial explained that these conditions have created a perfect vacuum, one that has been exploited by the evil cadres of Al Qaida and other extremist and terrorist groups to allow them to plot acts of indiscriminate mass murder of innocents.

"Al Qaida has taken hold in the most rural and rugged regions of Yemen, and intelligence gathered from multiple sources indicate that its focus is on the downing of commercial aircraft. It needs to be eradicated, and done so quickly, and the threat posed by Al Houthis must also be met and defeated," it said.

It went on to say that while all that work is being done, our Arab brothers and sisters there need to be cared and provided for, ensuring that they have a nation with enough water, proper food sources, a modern infrastructure and health and education services to care for all.

"On all fronts, the UAE is playing its role, proud to be a part of a Saudi Arabia-led international mission that is acting on United Nations Security Council resolutions.

"In the operation against Al Qaida, members of the UAE armed forces are working closely with Yemeni forces to secure territory infested with terrorists. In Shabwa province, the UAE-trained force has reclaimed a series of towns and positions, and has secured oil-and-gas installations," it noted.

"The work is fraught with danger, but the UAE will never waver from what needs to be done to combat extremists and terrorists," the newspaper concluded.