Saudi beach

A 15-year-old Indian girl has died of a heart attack while playing at the popular Half Moon beach in Al-Khobar city of Saudi Arabia.

Saher Parvez was a 10th grade student at International Indian School in Dammam city (IISD) and the tragic incident happened on Friday morning, the Saudi Gazette reported on Sunday.

“It was a pleasure trip. We gathered at the beach and my daughter was enjoying the seawaters. After some time she came out from the waters and called my wife,” the girl’s father Parvez Ali Khan told the daily.

“Seeing the sudden worsening of her condition, my wife who was near panic called for help. The rescue teams from the Coast Guard rushed to the spot and shifted her to King Fahd Medical City, where Saher was pronounced dead on arrival,” Khan said.

The faimly hails from Rampur in the North Indian state of Uttar Pradesh and has been living in Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province for the past 20 years.

Social media was abuzz with news that Saher died of a snakebite while she was playing in the water. However, her father said they were informed by doctors that the girl died of a massive heart attack.

The family is waiting to complete the legal procedures for burial.

source: GULF NEWS