The Saudi delegation headed by Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman at the conference of global coalition against Daesh in Maryland, US

The participants in the joint ministerial meeting of foreign and defense ministers of the international coalition to fight Daesh welcomed the progress achieved by the Iraqi forces and the moderate opposition forces in Syria in preventing the Daesh terrorist group from acquiring territory and resources and having access to supply routes.

They confirmed in a joint statement, following the conclusion of their meeting on Thursday, their commitment to follow a comprehensive approach to the campaign against Daesh to ensure that these military victories of the coalition will lead to the permanent defeat of the terrorist group. 
The statement said this integrated and comprehensive approach will involve giving training and assistance to the Iraqi and moderate Syrian opposition forces, the two essential elements of this approach.
The statement stressed that the popular forces and the other groups operating in Iraq should be under the firm control of the Iraqi government. The statement also stressed the support of international frameworks such as UN Security Council Resolutions 2178 and 2199 and 2253.
The statement stressed its firm stand on the side of the Syrian people and the real process of political transition on the basis of the Geneva statement 2012, and the UN Security Council Resolution 2254 which aims to create a comprehensive, pluralistic and non-sectarian government to represent the will of all Syrians.
With regard to the Libyan issue, the statement announced the will of the coalition to help the government of national reconciliation and support its efforts to unify the security and military forces under one command to defeat Daesh and bring peace, security and the rule of law to Libya.
US Secretary of State John Kerry urged the members of the coalition, led by his country, to enhance the exchange of information and to innovate new means in the fight against Daesh, and to intensify the efforts to remove the structural constraints to allow more flow in the exchange of information.


Source : Arab News