Took 8 yeart of hard work

Took 8 yeart of hard work House On the Flight of Birds is a project by Bernardo Rodrigues that took 8 years to implement but after looking at it, one sees it was worth it. This single family residence is located in Ribeira Grande

, a municipality on Soa Miguel island in the Azores, Portugal. The location and microclimate have largely defined the design to protect against wind and showers that are common for the area.

The micro-climate of this farmland offers frequent wind and showers so the first design strategy was to block with a wall those winds, offer diverse patios and covered courtyards on the ground floor protected from rain and open all living space to the natural green around by glass walls receded from the exterior.
The red wall’s purpose is to block the winds while providing a protected open roof patio. The lower level is open to the green environment while all the rooms and bedrooms are kept private on the second level of the structure. The ‘wing’ also opens a part of the house with the stairs that lead to the second level.

The interior is modern and somewhat futuristic with its quirky shaped windows. The windows are also located in unusual places in the house due to the house’s complex structure. There’s also a swimming pool located near the house while the roof patio provides great panoramic view of the island.