Foods that fight cancer and weight gain
Cancer-fighting foods

Cancer-fighting foods Houston - UPI The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center says its holiday grocery list helps people avoid weight gain by buying cancer-fighting foods. Mary Ellen Herndon, a wellness dietitian at MD Anderson, recommended people use the grocery list to find healthier food options when shopping for holiday meals. \"People tend to gain weight in colder months because they\'re indoors more, less active and overeat high calorie, holiday foods,\" Herndon said in a statement. \"Unhealthy weight gain, in the long-run, may make it harder for the body to fight off diseases like cancer.\" Herndon suggested men aim for meals with no more than 500 calories and women aim for no more than 400 calories each. \"Plant foods are packed with cancer-fighting nutrients. So make sure you fill two-thirds of your plate with vegetables, fruits, whole grains or beans,\" Herndon said. \"On the remaining one-third of your plate, choose a lean animal or plant protein.\" Maintaining a plant-based diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans and being physically active are the best ways to reduce cancer risks, Herndon said.