Plastic artist to present 50 paintings
Algerian artist, Aisha Hadda

The gallery of Algerian artist, Aisha Hadda, in the center of Algiers province, will embrace an art gallery for Algerian artist Salim Bohaly, in which he will present about 50 paintings. Bohaly tells in his paintings the stories of his city, Qantara, in which he was born.

The Algerian artist said, in exclusive interview with Arabs Today, that reason for his choice of this subject is that the honest plastic artist cannot deny his surroundings and culture, pointing out that most of his water works, which he will present in the gallery, are views of the wonderful city, Qantara.

His paintings include awesome oases, located in the north of Biskra province,  about 54 km away from Qantara, it is a small and quiet town, which linked between the north, south and east of Algeria.

The artist described the city, saying that it nicknamed as the gateway to the desert because it is the only crossing from the east side of the desert, in which many of the  the orientalist artists passed from, and influenced by its beauty and painted it in many of their works.

Bohaly stressed that he strives to add a little to this cultural heritage of this city and to Algeria, because Algeria is beautiful in all its cities, and he tries to embody a balance between the colors in his paintings.

He explained also that he will present other abstract paintings, stressing that the abstract painting represents for him an extension of the same sense when he draws the realism painting and the same sense of beauty of this picturesque nature.

Among the exhibitions in which he participated across different provinces of Algeria, an exhibition in Oum El Bouaghi, Ain Temouchent, Tlemcen and in others provinces. He participated, last year, in a group of exhibitions organized in Lebanon and France.