Yemeni official says dozens of civilian killed in two years

Head of the Aden City Heritage Center Wadei Aman revealed that 232 civilians have been killed in the past two years in the southern city of Aden because of the proliferation of weapons among civilians and the repeated lead in weddings and events.

He added, in an interview with “Arabs Today”, he held a campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of carrying weapons in the city, stressing that he received great support from the population of the city of Aden, but government agencies did not help him as required, noting that there is undeclared support from the official authorities.

He stressed that the high rate of crime due to the carrying of arms during the last two years forced him to work protest vigils to demand the legitimate government to prevent the carrying of arms and fire shots at weddings and special events.

He added that the most important damage is the misuse of weapons and mis-organization of the campaign, explaining that there are laws that must be applied to the military in order to organize the carrying of weapons at the time of work and places of work, adding that there is a lack of awareness of the civilian and military risks of weapons and lack of rational use.

He revealed that there will be awareness and cooperation efforts with the Ministry of Education and universities during the next phase to raise awareness of the dangers of carrying weapons in the city. Next week, the universities, schools and even kindergartens will be sent to raise awareness of the dangers of carrying arms and shooting at weddings and social events.

He called the government for taking serious actions against any citizens violating the laws, saying that there must be security points to withdraw weapons from civilians and there must be some kind of coordination and coordination between the security services.

He added that the reason for the proliferation of weapons is the war in Yemen in the beginning of 2015 because it made the province of Aden a starting point for fronts against Houthi militias, adding that arms markets in the city of Aden have not been available for a year since the legitimate government has been established but is being sold in secret.