Majdalani: no compromise on justice account

Member of Parliament Atef Majdalani rejected \"accepting compromise on the account of truth, justice and martyrs\' blood.\" Majdalani told \"Voice of Lebanon- Dbayeh\" radio station Friday \"if the cabinet did not deal seriously with the Special Tribunal of Lebanon (STL), there will be a battle to topple it.\" The MP pointed out that March 14 forces will take actions that support the indictment based on the Lebanese cabinet\'s commitment to it. Majdalani reiterated that March 14 opposition would be peaceful and democratic under the ceiling of constitution and law. Responding to a question whether March 14 forces will have a confrontation with Hizbullah, the MP said that this issue depends on the way Hizbullah would deal with the STL. Talking about the security issue, Majdalani affirmed \"the opposition seeks to achieve justice because there is no stability without justice and no justice without STL,\" calling upon the cabinet, Hizbullah and Syria to deal positively with the STL and international resolutions indicating that opposition had no intention to create domestic strife.