Officer reveals nature of IDPs camp
Raed al-Azaary

An official officer in al-Mudaraj internally displaced persons (IDPs), in Al-Qayyarah district, south of Mosul, Raed al-Azaary, revealed that the numbers of families existing in the camp  reached 8372 families, about 46 thousand and 117 displaced persons, pointing out that displaced persons in the rest of the camps range from 4000 to 7000.

Al-Azaary added in interview with Muslimchronicle that Al Qayyarah's camp is the largest camp in the city, pointing to the existence of 6 camps in the same area.

He said the executioner and the victim had become in one camp, pointing out that the tribal conflicts are the biggest challenge facing the camps' officials now.

The officer confirmed that the camps were established about 10 months ago, to accommodate displaced families from military operations against ISIS organization, explaining that each camp has estimates in numbers inside.

Al-Azaary indicated that the camp includes the families of ISIS fighters,  explaining the family has no guilt, and they cannot hold anyone accountable for the crime of others.
He stressed that he and the rest of the camp officials are excisting to serve all the displaced, adding that this camp has families of men, children and women. "Most of the extremists either fled to neighboring countries, or killed in battles or were arrested, "he added.

Regarding the numbers of the organization's families, the officer refused to answer the question, saying: "This is not publishable, we have names, and a complete statistic, but we prefer to keep it in secret."

"The victim and the executioner are in one place." "The members of the organization and their families have harmed the other families." "Civilians want their right, and this is the biggest problems we face," Al-Azaary added.
Al-Azaary stressed that the camp's officials are working to reduce these problems by transferring the families of extremists to places far from civilians. He explained that these conflicts cause many problems, especially among the people of the same region.

Regarding civil organizations working in the camp, he said that they have several organizations, the first of which is the Iraqi Red Crescent, as well as foreign organizations, officials in the popular crowd, volunteers from the people. Regarding the freedom of the displaced to leave the camp, he asserted that the displaced person is allowed to leave and enter the camp through permits.
Regarding the other problems, he said that  the problem of women who came to the camp and recorded that they were kidnapped by the organization is many.
"These women come with their children, while we found a number of children thrown by their parents near the camp," he indicated, adding that they did not know who brought them there, but they took them to the camp.