June 12,2017
Building your own belief system is a challenge. It's easier to accept what you are told. When the values you have been given conflict with your own sense of right and wrong, problems occur. Don't be afraid to follow your impulses. Certain relatives will balk at your rebellion. The sooner they get used to being more assertive, the better. You're no longer willing to go along with a program that makes no sense. Develop the courage of your convictions.
Weekly Horoscopes
A passion packed encounter makes you feel like you're walking on air. Obey the call of your sensual side. Work can go on a back burner for a wee while. You should be pouring all your energy into an intimate relationship. If you're single, you may decide to steer a friendship into romantic waters. Falling in love with someone you've known for years will be easy. If an official decision is made against you, shake it off. A happy future is beckoning. It's time to leave the past behind.
Friends seek your advice expecting you to come up with solutions to their problems. You've helped them in the past and they expect you can do so again. This will be a drain on your energy. When it all becomes too much for you, let everyone know you need some space to recharge your emotional battery. You're always a good listener but what some people don't realise is you could really do with someone to confide in. A Pisces or Cancerian friend will be the one who understands this.
June 2017 Horoscope
The start of June will be stimulating on the home as well as the work fronts. Your love life could suffer while you're busy running between your place and the office. It's important to give professional matters your full attention; doing a great job will result in a pay rise, promotion or both. On the 9th, the Full Moon could cause a smouldering family argument to erupt. You'll have to have a talk with your amour about treating your relatives in a more respectful manner. Alternatively, you might have to defend your romantic partner from a hyper critical family member. You'll have to spread yourself thinly at the middle of the month, when your boss will need you to review some very detailed documents. The New Moon on the 24th will bring welcome relief from your labours. Take this opportunity to attend a barbecue or garden party. You're sure to have some highly entertaining conversations at this get together