Cards Against Humanity donates $250,000 to Sunlight Foundation
Cards Against Humanity

Chicago-based card game maker Cards Against Humanity is donating $250,000 from their holiday sale to the Sunlight Foundation to track money in politics.
Cards Against Humanity had 250,000 people subscribe to their Holiday Bull[expletive] Campaign and they decided to use $1 per subscriber to see how lobbyists spend their money "to sell their bull[expletive] to Congress."
The 2014 campaign was called the Ten Days or Whatever of Kwanzaa. Keeping their tradition of sardonic humor, Cards Against Humanity detailed their imaginary $250,000 gifts for politicians, to highlight some of their greatest political gaffes or controversial opinions.
For Democratic Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, for example, they recommended a gold casket for his feelings about drinking fracking fluid with Halliburton representatives.
"You can drink it. We did drink it, around the table, almost ritual-like," he once said.
To which Cards Against Humanity responded, "Fun fact: Fracking fluid includes lead, uranium, radium, hydrochloric acid, and formaldehyde."
Rather than buying these gifts, the game-makers decided to spend the money monitoring who actually was sending money to elected officials.
"Instead of bribing our elected officials, we gave $250,000 to the Sunlight Foundation -- a nonprofit that lets us see who's spending money in politics and how much they're spending," they wrote on their website.