Nigeria Chamber of Commerce Supports  Moroccan Membership in ECOWAS

The Nigerian chamber of commerce announced on Tuesday in Lagos its support of the membership of Morocco for the Economic Commission of West African States (ECOWAS).

The Federation also announced that a delegation of Nigerian businessmen will visit Morocco at the beginning of 2018 to strengthen the collaboration between both business communities, according to the Moroccan agency for exports.

Not everyone is satisfied with this decision, as a number of Nigerian organizations and unions have opposed the admission of Morocco into the commission.

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC)  and the Trade Unions of West Africa (OTUWA) called on the ECOWAS member countries, their governments and national legislatures not to endorse the application of Morocco to become a member of ECOWAS.

Manufacturers Association of Nigeria, MAN, has also opposed the admission of Morocco.

“We urge the Federal Government to vehemently oppose the move as it would spell doom to the productive sector of the economy,’’ said Frank Udemba Jacobs, MAN President at the Annual General Meeting in Lagos.

“Come to think of it, why should they be part of ECOWAS? They are too far, ECOWAS is Economic States of West Africa. Morocco is not part of West Africa and they shouldn’t be part of ECOWAS,” added the MAN president.

Despite this opposition, the Nigerian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Geoffrey Onyeama, declared through the official news agency of the country that Nigeria had nothing against the membership of Morocco to the ECOWAS, and that the definitive decision would return to the heads of state on December.