China's direct investments

China's direct investments in Malaysia's manufacturing sector amounted to RM13.6 billion between 2009 and 2015, Malaysia's Deputy International Trade and Industry Minister Ahmad Maslan said.
"A major portion of the investments are already being implemented, involving 143 projects and is expected to create 24,786 jobs," he said.
Ahmad said of the total, basic metals industry received the highest investments of RM8 billion followed by electrical and electronics sector (RM3.5 billion) and non-metallic minerals industry (RM738 million), according to Malaysia's (Bernama) News Agency.
The remainder were in textiles and textile products industry (RM556 million) and fabricated metals sector (RM157 million), he said.
"China's investment in the country increased steadily from a mere RM164 million in 2009 to RM4.75 billion in 2014," he said.
Ahmad said in 2015, the number dropped to RM1.87 billion but was still comparatively high to reflect Chinese investors' confidence in the Malaysian economy despite the current global economic situation.