After six months of construction that saw the sprawling of some 40,000 solar panels over “the size of 33 football fields” in southern Mafraq, the world’s largest solar power plant built in a refugee settlement was inaugurated on Monday.
The 12.9-megawatt solar facility will bring free and clean electricity to over 80,000 residents at Zaatari refugee camp, extending their currentRead more
Saudi Specialized Clinics which are affiliated with the National Saudi Campaign in Zaatari refugee camp, offered therapeutical and medical services to 2,704 Syrian patients in the past week.
The pediatric clinic treated 626 children suffering from seasonal diseases; the cardiology clinic 47 patients and the female clinic 209 women.
In the dental clinic 274 Syrians were treated and the surgeryRead more
The Saudi specialized clinics provided medical care for 3,081 cases of Syrian refugees at the Zaatari Refugee Camp in Jordan during the 201st week.
The clinics conducted laboratory tests, examined patients, and administered prescribed medications and drugs to them within the framework of the medical relief plan put in place for this purpose through 13 specialized clinics and the supportingRead more
Arab League (AL) chief Ahmed Abul Gheit paid Wednesday a visit to the Zaatari Refugee Camp along the Syrian-Jordanian borders.
Abul Gheit inspected the camp, which hosts around 80,000 Syrian refugees and was briefed on conditions of refugees by Jordanian officials and efforts exerted to offer them a decent life, Arab League spokesman Mahmoud Afifi said.
The AL chief saidRead more
US doctors, who are members of the Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS) and the Free Syria Foundation (FSF), paid a field visit to the Saudi specialized clinics in Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan, where they were briefed on the medical services offered to the Syrian refugees there.
The medical delegation, headed by Mohammed Al-Hariri and Michele Krobinski, included members ofRead more